Kurtis Myson – Spirit Led Music and Writing: Ordained Minister News

Kurt Koch ordained as minister.

Kurt Koch officially became an ordained minister with the Pathways of Light (POL) church based out of Ormond Beach, Florida. POL is a world-wide network of spiritual counselors and ministers who have completed the organizations unique Course In Miracles program and have decided to facilitate the group’s outreach to individuals who are looking for spiritual transformation and healing. Kurt credits the organization’s Course In Miracles program for helping him get past some deep depression and addiction issues that had been creating chaos in his life.

“Pathway’s Course in Miracles was a blessing that came at just the right time in my life,” stated Kurt, “It helped me to realize a deeper connection to God and the Holy Spirit, than I had ever had before. In surrendering myself to God’s wonderful love for me, I began to love myself and see my worthiness as one of his creations. This relationship has allowed me to let go of a lot of the negative baggage I was carrying around that were causing my depression and triggering my addiction issues. As I began to walk with God, I saw that I no longer needed to run from or numb the pain but to embrace it, transform it and let it go. It truly has been an amazing blessing.”

In surrendering myself to God’s wonderful love for me, I began to love myself and see my worthiness as one of his creations.

Although becoming an ordained minister was not any position Kurt had been looking for, he agreed to go ahead and complete the training and certification required when POL founders, Revs. Robert & Mary Stoelting, asked him to join the organization. The Stoelting’s began the POL organization back in 1999 to the premise of joining with people around the world in awakening to the Love and peace of God within every one of us. Since that time, their website receives over a million visitors each year and their outreach has grown to over 180 minister and spiritual counselors across the U.S. and internationally in the UK, Australia, the Netherlands, Canada, Italy and more.

So what are Kurt’s plans now that he is officially a minister? Build a mega church? Develop a global non-profit to minister to those in need? “I have no idea where this new relationship might lead me,” sad Kurt when asked about his future plans, “I am still me and first and foremost is completing my work with the music and the book(s) that I have started. Beyond that, I got asked to perform a wedding for some close friends. Now there is something I never could have seen coming.”